Eukaryotic Pathogen CRISPR guide RNA/DNA Design Tool

with (1) custom genome upload, (2) off-target analysis, (3) on-targets searching (for targeting gene families), (4) efficiency/activity prediction, (5) assisted oligo repair template design , (6) gRNA transcription problem identification, (7) flanking microhomology searching (for predicting deletions)

** Batch Mode **

upload and process multiple sequences in one run

if you are processing one gene, please use this link

A multi-thread version of batch mode is available upon request for analyzing >300 sequences

Job Name:

RNA/DNA guided nuclease selection:(?)

Additional option settings: (click to expand a category)

Batch process parameters

Number of top-ranking gRNAs
to collect for each sequence:

Only pick gRNA in conserved region:
   No, use the whole input sequence

Confine gRNA search in a region of the input sequences: (?)
   From start, % of length of input sequence (test: pass)
   From end, % of length of input sequence (test: fail, use with caution)
   Exclude bp from both sides (test: pass)

Only pick gRNA compatible with CRISPR-STOP:
   Yes, list all CRISPR-STOP compatible gRNAs only in each sequence
    (overriding the settings: "number of top-ranking gRNAs to collect")

gRNA search parameters

gRNA length:  

PAM motif(s):
(use comma to separate multiple PAM motifs
use IUPAC code for degenerate base)

PAM position: 3' end 5' end

on-target search parameters

(Default settings
recommended for most users)

homology arm length:

off-target search parameters

(Default settings
recommended for most users)

maximum number
of mismatches:

off-target PAM motif(s)(?):
(comma separated if more than one,
use IUPAC code for degenerate base)

HDR repair template parameters

(Default settings
recommended for most users)

homology arm length:(?)     

Genome (expand a category and choose one):

genome naming paradigm:
specie strain database-version


or upload your fasta file here: 

(please use Chrome browser or enable Javascript in your browser for optimal results)